I use the word emoticons but
my navigator waves
a stern red line under it
and frowns.
It seems even emotions need
a grammar of their own
'She's talking to that mirror again, farther?' says Misst Craddock. Father Cradock turns round slowly from the book he is eating and explains that it is just a face she is going through and they're all the same at that age.
I use the word emoticons but
my navigator waves
a stern red line under it
and frowns.
It seems even emotions need
a grammar of their own
Does it really matter
how feeling is spelled?
The line under the word
neither limit nor warning
but a very small heartbeat
panicked by the audacity
of what you're trying to say.
:D. Yes, but it's not 'feeling' but 'emoticons'- which is actually a terrible word when you think of it.
sb: What's wrong with emoticons? I like. Ironically, it's only web browsers that seem to have an issue with it - Word seems to accept it without a quibble.
SB- Liked your poem and Falstaff's response to it!!!
Fair enough all, but personally i prefer emotiprose.
Falstaff: You know, I wrote this so long ago, I didn't even notice that Word no longer questions the word!
Dipali: Thanks.
Equivocal: Emotiprose has to be just that tiniest bit worse than emoticons. When are you going to post about your readings?
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