Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pratilipi's July Issue

The July issue of Pratilipi does not have essays in the ongoing series on the Indian Documentary and Short film (for which my apologies) but they have a new series called Ek Kavita, where poets talk about one poem they like.

I have an essay up in this series [update: the essay itself is here. Page 1 has the poem.]. It's not exactly an essay-type essay; more freewheeling than that, I hope.

(I love the header photo for this section).

Other goodies include poems by Nitoo Das, Michael Creighton, Monica Mody and Rumhum Biswas.

Translations into Hindi of Ten Modern Hungarian Poets by Girdhar Rathi and Margaret Koves, and an extract of a Hindi translation of Eco's The Name of the Rose by Madan Soni also sound interesting.



km said...

Where's the link to your non-essay essay? I see a Wallace Stevens poem on the linked page....

Space Bar said...

page 2 of that. poem is page one; essay is page 2.