Monday, February 04, 2008

Back, but...

Just got in from Bombay, to find a row of disasters, bookended by

  1. The possibility that my son has chicken pox. All red rashes, mild fever, some itchiness and all;
  2. Rain. The pit's all dug, nothing has happened since the days they all had so much fun burying the plants under soil. So there's plenty of space for disasters to happen.
As a result, it will take some time before I can get back to blogging proper, though there's always much to say after a trip.

When I look at the posts lined up for me to read on my feed reader I begin to wonder why I ever started reading blogs in the first place. I should stop now.*

*On the other hand, I come back only to blog about all this before several other things. So it just goes to show.


SUR NOTES said...

oh damn, get well G!

and space bar, VERY SORRY for ditching. its a long, ardous journey into town, we gave up at bandra!

km said...

It rains this time of the year?

Szerelem said...

Omg...chicken pox sucks. I never had it as a child and I'm terrified by the thought I might catch the virus now :(

Cheshire Cat said...

Actually, it's not so bad. You look sick, but you don't really feel that sick, and you get waited on hand and foot. I remember my chicken-pox episode with affection, purely because it enabled me to read "The Last Chronicle of Barset".

Space Bar said...

Sur: Never mind. It was all over in a flash, you know. Nothing that would justify a few hours' hike into town.

km: Well, it did yesterday. Go figure.

Szerlem: See Cat's comment. It isn't that bad, but...

Cheshire Cat: ...I'm the one feeling all sorry for myself. Because while my son may have enough time to read War and Peace if he wants to, I'm one doing all the waiting on limbs.

Crp said...

Not sure if this is the right place to mention it, but Cheshire Cat's Chicken Pox Chronicle also includes him traipsing through Chicago's South Side wearing an oxygen mask (given to him by the good folks at UChicago Hospitals), scaring the bejesus out of passers by -- this was during the weeks following 9-11 btw.

Banno said...

oh, oh. here's to a quick recovery, for both mother and son. take care.

Crp said...

Oh yes, hope he gets well soon! The first couple of days the rashes can be a bit painful but it's pretty smooth sailing after that.

sz: well, it's never too late -- catch the pox ASAP to get it out of the way :)

equivocal said...

Hmm, yes, for some reason I also look back on my childhood chicken pox with some fondness...

But hope (and think) Bombay went well!

Unknown said...

Hi! Sorry I missed the reading - Nandita was busy and I was with Meha. Obviously didn't want to bring her to the reading - hope it went off well.

I guess it's just as well he's getting cpox now - it's horrible to get it later in life. Better that it's over and done with. (I believe people actually have chicken pox parties so that their kids can get it while it doesn't bother them all that much)! Ah the joys of parenthood.

Cheers, Kuntal

??! said...

How does that line go - upar waala jab bhi deta hain...

Not been the best of times recently, has it? will pass.

Space Bar said...

crp: now see, if only the man would do the tag, he could include that story. Sounds like a good one.

Banno: It isn't so bad mostly because when they get it early on, it isn't so severe. What makes me indignant is, the dude's been vaccinated against it. Apparently he's one of the select 10% on whom such shots don't work. Sheesh.

Equivocal: Bombay was lots of fun. Posts coming up!

Kuntal: No prob. Didn't really think you would...and you can read the poems, no? Will mail you in a bit.
??!: I know. I was going to say something about never raining but only pouring but the humour of it was just too grim to be really considered.

dipali said...

Get well soon, young man.
Space Bar, my sympathies.
C'est la vie.